(205) 560-0236

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Let’s get started

Polygraph Services in Birmingham, AL.

When you need a polygraph examiner, make sure you call Commercial Polygraph, Inc.

How we can help you

Are you looking for professional polygraph services? Commercial Polygraph Inc. offers the best in polygraph testing in Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, and North Florida. With over 50 years of industry experience and more than 12,000 polygraph examinations administered, Clyde Wolfe and Jennifer Wolfe Mize can help you get the truth!

Calls are answered 24 hours a day, and exams are scheduled by appointment only.
When you need a polygraph examiner, make sure you call Commercial Polygraph, Inc.

Let’s get started

Schedule a 15 minute phone consultation to learn more and to schedule a polygraph exam

Our Polygraph Services Include

Criminal Charges
Personal/Business Disputes
Domestic Relations/Infidelity
Sexual Abuse
False Accusations
Employee Theft
Sexual Harassment
Post-Conviction Sex Offender Testing (PCSOT)
Sex Addiction Treatment Disclosures
Sex Addiction Treatment Maintenance

I didn't know what to expect but it was very professional and was pleased with the result.

Richard U.

I've never taken a polygraph before, but had to for my new job. He made it not so scary and was very nice!

Lauren N.L.

I swear I'm telling the truth.
